Thanks for this, Drew. If there is anything I am learning in this writing life it's that the metrics of the kingdom and the metrics of the world clash in these spaces. Some of the best advice I've been given as I write is to keep the "End game" in mind - not meaning my definition of my own end game (get published! sell thousands of books! speak on a big stage!) but what my work is barreling toward when the kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom of God a la Revelation 11:15. The kingdom of God is made up of generous relationships - not institutions and algorithms. Thanks for letting us in on your own process.

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"what my work is barreling toward when the kingdom of this world becomes the kingdom of God"

Wow, those words are so powerful. I think I used to think this was kind of like a one-time conversion. Like you start writing for God and then no longer have to worry about selfish pursuits. Now, however, I'm realizing how daily (and hourly) it is to keep reframing my mind onto God and not my own words or pursuits. Thank you for this!

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Mission over metrics, my friend. Keep going.

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Ashlee, when I think of generative writers, I think of you. Thank you for modeling mission over metrics so well :)

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Keep at it, Drew. Continue to be vulnerable and honest. I won’t unsubscribe. We probably all have that same tension regarding subscribers and unsubscribers. Welcome to the world of putting yourself out there. More than fretting about losing readers, I get more concerned by the utter lack of comments and the low rate of opens. But I tell myself that what I write is fulfilling to me and if others find it enjoyable, great. But I’m doing what God has gifted me to do, so how can I complain or stress? Keep at it!

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Agreed. There's also got to be a way to market ourselves (I'm not writing my column yet) that draws people in. Just because we're writers doesn't mean we're intuitively marketers. The good thing I've heard about online marketing these days is that it's in email, which you're doing anyway with your column! So If there was a way SubStack would let us send out marketing emails to our subscribers, that would be ideal. (Is there?)

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Paul, thank you for your honesty and your encouragement! I want to be totally blind to metrics and subscriber count and open rates, but I find it to be incredibly difficult. But I feel I am doing what God has gifted me to do, so I'm trying to give God all the numbers and trust God's prompting in my life!

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I’m new to Substack so on this go around I’m trying not to look at the subscriber numbers at all and just see where it leads. The ego is so crazy

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Adrienne I think that is SUCH a good idea!!

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I'll be honest with you, Drew. I've felt the EXACT SAME WAY. In fact, I haven't written much in the last couple of months (outside of sermons). But about a week ago, two friends separately encouraged me to keep writing. Then, right as I was wondering whether this was God's Spirit nudging me back to my newsletter, I started getting a few emails that new people were subscribing. They were coming from your generous--and generative--post. And while, you're absolutely right, subscribers are not the end of writing, it was the confirmation and encouragement I needed to keep going.

Whatever difference my future blogs make in someone's life, I know that you have played a part in that too. Thank you for listening to the leading of God's Spirit and for creating space for me in your world.

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Kyle, sharing your work is a no brainer. I am edified and encouraged and formed through your words, and I'm grateful you are writing! I am obviously so biased, but I really think you should keep at it--the Lord has given you a gift for communication, and I'm just so happy I get to be a recipient of your gift!

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"Maybe chasing the Spirit’s work in your and my life will create unsubscriptions." Oof. That'll preach! And not to be a Jesus juker here, but not even Jesus Himself was liked by everyone. That thought gives me comfort.

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Oof Erin yes yes yes thank you! And sometimes I wouldn't be surprised if people need to unsubscribe from my thoughts in order to clear the air to learn about God in their own life!

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I've never read someone else's writing and thought, "They write like me!" But today I did. Glad to have found your words in this corner of the internet.

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Awwww, wow, thank you so much for saying that! I'm so grateful you are here :)

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I’ve always had to hold onto one phrase, one I’m so thankful I think the HoLy Spirit led me to even before I knew the weight of it: if my words/story/novel only reach one person, and it makes an impact in their life, it’s enough. And it doesn’t have to be me, really - if it opens the door for the Holy Spirit to reach them, no matter what they think of me or my words that is sO much more than enough

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UUUUUUGH BROOKE YESSSSSSSS. That is something I have to keep on reminding myself. In one sense, I am responsible for my words, but, if I am being faithful to God, they don't belong to me. May God use our words how God wants to :)

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Keep getting your unique message to those who need it. It's all about finding our audience.

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Amen, thank you!

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“Maybe chasing the Spirit’s work in your and my life will create unsubscriptions.”

Felt that one. Felt the conviction of that one.

Thank you for your vulnerability. Thanks for naming what all of us are feeling.

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haha I typed that line almost subconsciously, and it hit me with conviction too. It can be difficult to accept the fact that not every person needs to read my writing.

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I totally resonate with your reference to writing from people pleaser mode! My spiritual director recently reminded me-- “your writing is first for you.” I’m constantly having to remind myself to “serve the work” as Madeleine L’Engle said, to serve the Lord, and let the chips fall where they may. Thanks for sharing!

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Amen, thank you! You have somehow packed two things I love into one comment: spiritual direction and Madeleine L'Engle haha. May we serve the work well :)

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Thanks for the kind shout out! I'm subscribing. I feel that on the unsubscribes (every. single. post). I highly recommend turning off notifications for unsubscribes (not that I'm not still seeing them in my numbers, but they don't belong in my inbox). Also, you're welcome at Northern seminary any time! :)

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Wow, that is so unbelievably kind of you! I am SO glad I've always had that function turned off, but my eyes just naturally float to the subscriber count each time I'm on the dashboard. Trying to learn to give it to God :)

Oh trust me, I have looked up Northern multiple times...!

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It's very hard to ignore that count! Blessings!

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I hear you, brother. Every time I hit send and get that unsub message I wonder if it's worth it. Ego, ego, ego. I always hear Spirit say, "Keep on typing ..." Thank you for continuing to type and send. You're still one of my favorite reads.

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Wow, thank you for such kind words! It's amazing how difficult it can be to continue typing sometimes.

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Hey Drew. New subscriber and new Substack writer. Thanks for you insight and encouragement. I'm looking forward to reading more.

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I feel this.

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